On-Site Generation of Fluorine for Electronics

Performance and Climate Benefits of Fluorine for Cleaning Microelectronics

Reducing cleaning times and environmental impact in the display and semiconductor sectors with our safe, reliable GENERATION F® generators for ultra-pure fluorine
More Effective Cleaning Performance

Our GENERATION F fluorine generators provide on-site production of cleaning gas for thermal furnace process, plasma-enhanced and thermal CVD tool dry-chamber cleaning. Fluorine is the ideal replacement for fluorine-bearing gases such as NF3, ClF3, SF6 and F2/N2 mixtures, where inactive components can compromise cleaning performance.

Ultra-pure fluorine gas delivered from GENERATION F systems offers excellent cleaning performance, shorter cleaning times, productivity gains relative to CVD tools, and reduced energy consumption and environmental impact thanks to its zero Global Warming Potential (GWP).

In demanding thin-film processes, fluorine can maintain steady chamber temperatures during the cleaning process, allowing a fast return to stable deposition processing.

The GENERATION F series comes in a modular design capable of meeting all flow, concentration and volume requirements ranging from one ton to hundreds of tons each year. An installed base of more than 30 GENERATION F systems worldwide bears testimony to the flexibility and popularity of this solution. So whether you operate a single tool or a large-scale fab, we have the solution for you.

Innovative features and benefits of GENERATION F fluorine generators include:
  • Improved productivity thanks to faster cleaning at steady temperatures
  • Sustainable alternative to high-GWP gases nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for CVD chamber cleaning
  • On-demand production, which means a very low real-time inventory and delivery pressure

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Discover how on-site fluorine gases can bring you cost and flexibility gains

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